As soon as the clock strikes midnight on November 30th, I fill every glass or mug for something spiced, mulled or made with Irish Cream. I’ve almost made it through every kind of festive beverage, from the classic hot toddy to recently discovered crème brûlée liqueur (Marks and Spencers – you’re welcome), but until last weekend I’d never sipped a hot mulled cider… I KNOW.
Naturally my inquisitive mind for all things new and Christmassy drew us to a place that promised to deliver; the Rekorderlig Cider Lodge, London’s cosiest market along the Southbank. Hidden beyond an urban forest of blue spruce trees is a two storey Swedish house packed with happy punters who have made it through the pine-y entrance (and are smart enough to avoid the hundreds of Winter Wonderland go-ers).
Cuddling couples and cheering groups are spread among the warm open lodge; some looking out over the London skyline from the balcony, others keeping warm in a cosy open space with plentiful of benches, sofas and Covent Garden-esque swinging seats.
Here is where you’ll find the bar, serving seasonal hot plum cider and a sneaky sip of Rekorderlig’s newest Botancial range that will hit the shops next year. The former was of course my first choice, a sweet mulled cup of fruity liquid that perhaps even exceeded my adoration for its wine based frenemy. Other drinks are obviously available – hot chocolates, spiced rum, everything all under one Scandi-roof.
I think I’d been put off mulled cider in the past as the apple flavourings aren’t really my bag, but made with cherries, plums and all them Christmassy spices we chuck in everything come December… let’s just say it was so good we went back for more. Thank God it’s on tap.
The hot steaming drink kept us toasty as we perched by a fire pit, checking out the Scandinavian market stalls to the backdrop of the London Eye. We gazed over each hut, picking out which naughty treat would be coming our way… crepes or bratwurst? Chocolate covered strawberries or Dutch pancakes? The latter won, drenched in Nutella obvs.
Because when in Rome anywhere, we obviously couldn’t resist getting our hands on the brand-new-not-yet-in-the-shops range, picking a peach-basil combo that definitely reminded us of a summery season gone by (and quenched our thirst after our chocolatey binge). The other flavours of grapefruit-rosemary and rhubarb-lemon-mint will definitely be welcoming us into Spring.
The icy refreshing cider was surprisingly not so sweet – and trust me that’s a good thing. It was served in a giant goblet, so big it deserved the £2 deposit, just in case you got quite attached to drinking like a King.
Amid the concrete jungle of Waterloo, the Rekorderlig Cider Lodge is a respite from the cold and riverside bustle. If you needed any excuse to sip mulled cider by the festive Southbank markets, well here it is.
This post was sponsored by the lovely team at Rekorderlig Cider who offer a wide range of delicious drinks I am a genuine fan of. Everything you see, is honest and my own.